Monthly Archives: January 2011

The Time to Share is Now

pink apron post sizeI have attached to this post a link to avail information to you that may change the way you think. I ask you to do your own homework on this issue. I also ask that you do not become afraid because, “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” We need not panic, but we do need to pray and remember what has driven us to P.A.R. and that is- a heart for the truth and the lost.

People will be affected by many things that are threatening our peaceful way of life and we need to have the answer for them. We know it is Yeshua, but they do not.

The time to share is now. Check out the FEMA site yourself and see that the US government is preparing for something big, and this is just the beginning. As you read the following article come to your own conclusions.

“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power and love and a sound mind.” 2 Tim. 1:7

Paul McGuire Madrid Earthquake

Missed You!

pink apron post sizeIf you were not able to join us at the flagship Pink Apron Regiment meeting on January 21, you missed some very important information. You missed great blessing and God’s hand on the women who attended. Each of us will be sharing our faith with at least two people in the next month and will bring back a report on how we did.

We spent time with one another identifying our obstacles. Most noted was fear and the emotions we attached to the idea of rejection, we also explored the idea of our formidable enemy, the evil one and how he particularly stifles women. Below you will find a brief slide presentation. These are only part of what we talked about but may help you understand some of the “Great Deceptions” we face.
The group also discussed what Dean Gotcher, director of the Institution for Authority Research calls diaprax. I have included with this post some of the slides I used to bring attention to several deceptions working against women who desire to share their faith.

This is a study. It will take you an hour or more just to explore the slides and the DVD. Come back to it often so you can begin to understand the importance of your involvement in P.A.R. If we are going to change the world with the truth, we need to understand our opponents. Sometimes we are our own obstacle because of the way we think. This is related information to what we saw at our meeting- but it is a more in depth study on the topic from YouTube

If you had a problem finding us, remember next time to turn onto Farralone Street and enter the parking lot behind the main church building. The chapel has a leaded window with colorful panels… you can’t miss it if you come into the back parking lot.

I hope you find these slides and downloaded portion of the DVD stimulating and important enough to study. And study you must. This is not lightweight or easy to process, but it is the basis for all of the communication tactics the world uses and what we are tempted to use today.

Understanding bible prophecy is essential to having a sincere burden for the lost. Many bible prophey experts think we are living on borrowed time, that Messiah’s coming for His church could be at any moment. At future meetings we will be viewing some of the most noted and respected prophecy teachers speak to us via DVD on current events and bible prophecy. You don’t want to miss it. Bring a friend!

We will be moving on to another topic at our next meeting February 18; so study up!

Also… keep in mind, Beth Ariel Congregational leader Gary Derechinsky may be available in the future to speak to us on reaching our Jewish family and friends. Please be prayerful of your schedule, priorities and who you think may also benefit from P.A.R.

I look forward to seeing you next time!

A Visit to Rick Warren’s Health Seminar – The Unfolding of a Global New Age Plan

pink apron post sizeThe following link takes you to a first hand experience of a believer who observed what happens when clergy get caught up in the world’s systems. Much of the article is experiential, but scroll to the middle and you may be suprised at what you find.

Be careful whom you support, whose books you read and whose methods you follow. If it is dressed up in the world’s clothing- abandon it. Nothing, nothing can replace the Word of God.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a think tank established to move the nations of the world into a one-world system. The aforementioned clergyman is a member of the council and whole heartedly supports it. The article is a long read but worth the effort.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1

A Visit to Rick Warren’s Health Seminar – The Unfolding of a Global New Age Plan.

Global Faith Forum 2011 Held in Keller Texas

Keller Texas was the site of the recent Global Faith Forum (GFF) held January 15, 2011; featuring clergy from various persuasions including Islam, Christian and Palestinian religious leaders.

One of the sponsors for the group, the Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR) is working hard to turn your individual biblical faith  into a one-world community of worship. The group is attempting to blur the lines of distinction between faiths to usher in a one-world religion. Anyone who stands firm on the bible or it’s principles will be pressed to abandon the absolutes of God’s holy word and “go along to get along.”

Their premise is impossible to achieve unless someone (believers) gives up the surety that there is only one God and He is Elohim. There IS no other God. This will not sit well with the ecumenicals .

Israel lived in a land of idols and found herself mixing worship of the Holy One of Israel with pagan ideas. God is not pleased with double-mindedness. He judged Israel for her idolatry.

There is only one faith- Yeshua Hamashiach.

“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God He is One.” Is. 6:4

From the GFF website:

“Many Distinct Beliefs. One Common Respect.

The Global Faith Forum brings together distinct and conservative bodies of faith for greater understanding, while facing our differences with grace and humility. Muslims, Jews, and Christians hold different beliefs about who Jesus and God is. As people of faith, we must maintain our distinct beliefs, yet live in peace with others of faith. God calls followers of each faith to carry out the dialogue of our distinctions in a spirit of common dignity for one another. The multi-faith perspective is about deepening respect for one another while dialoguing about our differences. Participants are not asked to boil down their beliefs to define God in common terms but to hold to their distinctions with a spirit of respect between participants.” (boldface added)

~Global Faith Forum Website

The dialoguing of difference is the process of transformational thinking. Dialogue long enough and the most settled believer will find themselves in conflict with the group, longing to fit in and eventually succumbing to consensus thinking. This is called “Diaprax.” (The practice of dialoging to change/alter ones sense of absolutes)  The phrase is coined by Dean Gothcher, founder of the Institution for Authority Research.

The method is guised with creating community and charged with wearing down convictions.

The Ill-will Between the Serpent and the Woman

As a result of Eve listening to the serpents’ suggestion in the garden of Eden, God pronounced not only enmity between the seed of the woman (Messiah)  and his seed but also between the serpent and the woman. Enmity is a word that deserves some consideration. Particularly because the Father uses it to describe the conditons that will apply both to the Messiah and the woman. Gen. 3:15-16 Adam has his own issues with God.

This hatred (Hebrew definition of enmity) is clearly seen in our world today. Women and young girls suffer at the hands of others. Defenseless little girls are still subject to genital mutilation in certain parts of the world.  American young girls can be subject to this abuse if taken from this country to places where it is still legal. Rape is rampant around the world, and young girls are subjected to be brides to Muslim men in the middle east as property and possessions. Women wear hot, uncomfortable burkas to avoid any attention from men in muslim countries causing heat exhaustion in hot climates and other forms of shame for being a woman.

In America, some women who do not have the wisdom that God gives, are being used, abused and treated with disrespect all the while contributing to it by their lifestyle, manner of dress, speech and action. Make no mistake,  this is part of the sin nature. But- much deeper are the roots of this dilemma; it is a pronouncement from God and an outcome of Eve’s sin.

The bible tell us that Adam’s sin is the sin that causes all life to die. (Rom 5:14). After the two were removed from the garden, Adam named Eve the “mother of all of the living.” From her blood line would come the Messiah of the world. Little did Adam know how meaningful her name would be. Women nurture, care for, love and tend to others. They are found most responsive in situations that require tenderness during illness, childbirth, family tragedies and events that require life giving comfort. And Mary birthed Messiah without natural conception but rather by the Spirit.

In this writers observation, God did not curse Eve, but He did tell her in advance that she would experience things that were the result of her disobedience in the garden, making her life harder. Also- the enmity between her and the serpent has had a lasting effect throughout generations.

How has this truth affected your life, and do you have the ability to change it? Are you suffering in your marriage, career, emotionally or otherwise feeling that you are subjected to things that are out of your control? These issues can keep you in bondage and ineffective for the Lord.

On January 21, Pink Apron Regiment will meet to discuss this and other issues that keep women ineffective in ministry. Living a life based on the cleansing work of Messiah and His shed blood for us can have dynamic and everlasting effects. Please join us for our flagship meeting and get some answers. Hope to see you there.

Church in a Bar?

In Minnesota, a group of people have decided that a local bar far outweighs their experience at the local Baptist Congregation.

One  * “great deception”  in the post-modern church is that somehow we must be comfortable and  be like the world when we worship our Holy God in order to win over lost souls.

Dean Gotcher of the Institution for Authority Research would say this is a “dialectic” form of corporate worship, meant to make YOU feel good and puts the holiness and true worship of God below mans idea. Basically, man centered worship.

In an  article published in the Washington Post, (1/7/11) a few parishioners shared some thoughts about the Bar Church…

I feel closer to God here than I do at a conventional church,” said Nelson, 56, a lifelong churchgoer who until recently could be found every Sunday morning in the pews at First Baptist Church nearby. “Jesus said we’re supposed to be a light to the world. What better place to do that than at a bar?” (boldface added)

I’m a reality person, and  I’m finding a little too much established religion here to be honest,” Shank said. “I believe, I pray – but I don’t like structured religion.” (boldface added)

I don’t feel welcome in a regular church,” said Kayla Edwards, 25, who has been to most of Fletcher’s Sunday gatherings. “A lot of churches, I feel judged. Here, I feel welcome – it’s laid back, you can say what you want and no one will be disgusted.”

~ Patrick Condon Associated Press A Man Walks into a Bar

The bible says, “Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name;  Bring an offering, and come before Him; Worship the LORD in holy array.” 1Ch 16:29
“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in holy array.” Ps 29:2  (boldface added).

God’s standard is didactic;  in other words,  no compromise! He is holy and requires worship focused on Him and He alone.  He will not share His glory, and He is jealous for our attention.

If you are unsure of your position on this,  Worship in the Old Testament has the biblical design established by God. We  worship to glorify Him,  our witness comes in our daily living. The Israelites spent time preparing for worship and it was always focused on the holiness of God.

See the interview with the seminary student who has established the Bar Church below.

* Come join us on January 21 and address this and many other issues causing “Great Deceptions” in the church and in the world in which we live.  See “Meeting info” page.