Monthly Archives: April 2015

David Reagan’s Prophetic Manifesto


List of 50 Top Contemplative-Promoting Organizations Adds 8 Runner Ups

Looking for biblical instruction or a parachurch organization which is faith based, may not mean that you are getting instruction from the Bible.

Lighthouse Trails Research has a list of 50 known organizations who are veering from the truth of the Word to Mystical experiences. The practices they are promoting creep in slowly, without much notice, until the congregation is hooked, and sees nothing wrong with the added unscriptural way of worship and prayer. Suddenly everyone is walking down a wrong path, unpleasing to God.

Believer, beware.

List of 50 Top Contemplative-Promoting Organizations Adds 8 Runner Ups.

Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military

The persecution may not be death (yet) but systematic rejection of Christians can be seen in every area of American life. For a long time military reports have surfaced calling Bible believing Christians hate-mongers and terrorists, referring to their beliefs as anti-American, when in fact they are patriotic Americans.

The following article is one more example of how unpopular Christians have become in the last eight years, here and abroad; depending on what the culture will tolerate.

America, being what would be loosly described as “civil,” has not yet taken the lives of Christians as in the middle east. How far are we from a less “civil” way of life?

Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military.

Significance of the Blood Moons

This film is not new, but it is more relevant now than the day it was introduced. Mark Blitz does an excellent job of explaining the Blood Moons, their biblical significance, their relevance to world events and how believers should respond.

These are exciting times for those who study the scriptures. Though the secret things belong to God, He is not One who hides His will from us. He communicated with ancient Israel from the skies. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Are you watching?

What Blitz has to say will ring true with serious bible students. Rejoice, the time is at hand! Keep looking up!